Saas Sales Blog
You’re looking in the wrong spot for your new sales rep
Finding skilled sales talent isn't easy. Commercial acumen is not enough; prospects demand value during the buying cycle, so domain expertise is a must-have in sales. Without it, the rep is not going anywhere. But there is a different way to look at developing that domain expertise with reps.
What my coma taught me about the sales profession – Part 3
After having recovered from a near-death experience, I started researching the skills that resilient people leverage and then determined practical ways to apply those to the sales profession. This third article addresses how to create activity targets for a goal that looks Pretty Big and Improbable.
What my coma taught me about the sales profession – Part 2
'Dealing wit setbacks' typically is not part of your sales kick-off training. But let's face it - while sales is fun, there's plenty of disappointment, too. People who leverage a certain set of skills and practices cope better than others when they hit a rough patch. This is the first follow-up article to share insights on what I learned as I researched the skills that resilient people leverage.
What my coma taught me about the sales profession
Sales is exciting and fun, but also comes with an above-average share of disappointment. But sales professionals aren't really taught how to deal with adversity. We're just supposed to dust ourselves off and get back into the saddle. After going through a big setback of my own, which put me in a coma, I embarked on a journey to find out what makes some people not only scramble back up, but come out stronger. I then worked out how we can apply these skills in the sales profession.
What most sales processes get wrong
Enterprise Sales Processes often are not aligned with the Buying Process; the Sales Process typically doesn't cover the early stages of the Buying Process. And where it does, it does not get the scrutiny it deserves. In fact, sales activity tends to increase as the ability to influence reduces! Get some practical take aways to determine how to update your process.